Friday, April 12, 2013

Physics Machine

In physics we are making a Rube Goldberg machine. A Rube Goldberg machine is just a complicated way to do a simple task. Our task is to put out a lit candle. We have to use twenty four steps to put out the candle. What we are doing is used mostly of marble-works, hot wheels tracks and dominoes. we drop a marble down the marble works, then when it rolls out the bottom, then it hits a steel ball, that rolls down a ramp and hits a red solo cup, which is attached to a pulley. That pulley is released and the counter weight sends a marble down a ramp, which flies into a ice cream bucket. The marble falls out of a hole in the bucket and hits a hot wheel,which rolls down a ramp and hits more dominoes that set of another marble down a chute which hits a domino that is tied to yet another domino and sets of more dominoes, hitting a marble that goes across a suspension bridge that sets off more dominoes and sets another marble onto a second bridge. thats as far as we have gotten so far.

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