Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What's the better product? The Kindle Fire? Or the I-Pad 2?

By: Jocelyn Arends

Many wonder what is the better buy, a Kindle Fire or an I-pad. They are essentially the same thing but why is the I-pad so much more expensive? And which product exactly is the better deal or the better product?

There are many theories to why the I-pad 2 is so much more expensive than the Kindle Fire, but the real reason to why the I-pad is more expensive than the Kindle Fire is simple, the I-pad holds greater weight and the people at Apple headquarters like to get their money from the customer right away rather than Amazon’s Kindle Fire.

Kindle Fire’s get their money through out time. The consumer buys apps and many other products through the Kindle Fire and that is the way Amazon gets most of their revenue. This may be a better strategy for Amazon business wise since they can get a greater value than an I-Pad over time while sustaining customers to buy their product.

I-Pads cost $469.99 while a Kindle Fire only costs nearly $200.00. This is a huge difference. The Kindle Fire also has only a 7 inch screen with a weight of only 4.6 ounces, while the I-Pad 2 has a 9 inch screen with the weight of 1.33 pounds. The Kindle Fire is much easier to move around but the I-Pad has the advantage of a wider and bigger screen with more quality to the customer. Another turn off by the Kindle Fire is that unlike the I-Pad 2, it has no camera, so captioning memories can not be found on the Kindle Fire. The giga bites between the two products are different as well, the I-Pad ranges it’s giga bites from 16-64 and the Kindle Fire has giga bites ranging from 8+, which gives the Kindle Fire much more use for movies, TV shows, video games, and apps.

I guess it is up to you on which product you would end up buying if you ever came down to that decision. Just remember all the different qualifications and realize what product better fits your lifestyle or what cost is more suitable for your budget.

Source: squidoo.com

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