Thursday, February 2, 2012

Buying Under The Influence.

By: Jocelyn Arends

As I was driving my car home from school, I was listening to the radio and heard a very interesting statistic about people buying under the influence or otherwise known as “BUI.” I have heard of sleep shopping but I have never heard of shopping while intoxicated. When people are buying under the influence they tend to buy products that they would not buy while they were sober. The statistics of such a thing as buying while intoxicated is alarmingly and on the rise. Most women are affected by this, since women are susceptible to buying products on-line than men. Most people who buy under the influence end up buying products that are ridiculous and humiliating. Usually the most purchased items are tattoos but some items can get as ridiculous as a hot dog toaster. I mean who really needs a hot dog toaster? This has affected many people and though most people buy stuff on-line while they had a few drinks, many also stumble in to shops, buy something ridiculous and hand the cashier their credit card with out thinking properly. This has cost many people tons of money and that is one thing many experts are saying is a bad habit to produce. What experts believe is that the consumer should not drink during the day when most stores are open, avoid late-night infomercials, restrict on-line usage after you drink, and the biggest component is to have a support system, or someone who can tell you what’s wrong and what’s right to buy. Another thing you can do to prevent buying under the influence is to unplug the computer keyboard before you uncork a bottle. This can at times be serious and eventually lead to something more than money problems, it can be a habit, a habit of serious consequences. So the next time you decide to consume alcohol (which you should not be anyway if you’re underaged) think of the consequences when you are shopping for ridiculous products.


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